hello you lovely lot! Today I wanted to share a bit of Summer inspiration and have a little chin wag, if that's alright with you? ;) Basically this past year I've been in this horrible nasty on going slog of silly little things called GCSEs. (which I am sure you are all aware of, if you aren't they are end of secondary school exams, ergh right!) Anyways with that being said I'm back, I've found my mojo and want to spend this Summer writing and pressing publish on blog posts. Therefore, right now as a little teaser (just kidding, I have a guilty pleasure with Pintrest * and you NEED this app in your life) I shall share a few of my ideas and inspiration for the coming months, hope you enjoy!

Lots of loves and hugs
*btw it's not really a guilty pleasure, I just spend way too much time on it :)