Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Can you still be sustainable at Festivals?

Hell yes you can! It just takes some time and planning to make sure you are prepared! But anyone can be sustainable, we just need to make sure people around us are informed on their impacts just as much as we are. So if you are going to festivals with mates remember to let them know they too can be sustainable. I have researched around this topic and have created 6 simple things you can do/ways you can be sustainable at a festival...

1. TAKE YOUR TENT HOME - this is a big one but an important one. The amount of waste left behind after festivals each year is mindboggling!! Just look at this one below, I mean littering is one thing but on this scale it is intense, a simple thing you can do to reduce this is to take your tents home (if they are broken at least take them back home so you can re-purpose them in to something else see here for some really good ideas) and make sure you bring either tubs to put rubbish in or bin bags (but make sure when you leave your campsite that it is clean - this helps the environment so much and the people who tidy up afterwards).

Taken from Twitter

2. USE BIODEGRADABLE GLITTER - festivals are a time of the year where everyone, boys and girls all get glittered up from head to toe, it's fun and a classic festival thing to do, however glitter is littering on a small scale. Glitter is made from plastic so therefore is damaging to the planet especially when it gets into the water table/water system - which would end up contributing to the plastic already within our seas. An alternative to plastic glitter would be biodegradable glitter which you can buy from most online stores from ASOS to Amazon. Yet I found a brand that sold biodegradable glitter as well as makeup and a lot of other ethical products (it's worth a check out).

Bioglitz is a brand of glitter that biodegrades - I learnt
about it at Fashion for Good in Amsterdam

3. BRING YOUR OWN CUTLERY AND FOOD - a simple way to not use single use plastics would be to use your own cutlery at a festival (if you don't want to bring a whole set a spork is really handy - however if you don't already have one check out more Eco alternatives to the plastic ones!). Also bring snacks like nuts and dried fruits in little reusable bags/boxes (bags are more useful as you can squish them in to tiny spaces. Bananas are also great festival foods as they have their own natural package so won't get damaged - if you bring food already prepared you will also save a lot of money.

4. TAKE A REUSABLE WATER BOTTLE - taps are always around at festivals and if you can't find one then ask the festival food stalls nicely and I'm sure they would be happy to help you out! Also if you know you love coffee/tea bring a reusable thermos/coffee cup - save the environment people it's important!

5. USE WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE (DON'T BE TEMPTED BY FAST FASHION) - please don't go buying outfits you will just wear for this one weekend and never again. Remember someone has made your clothing and on average about 100 hands touch one piece of clothing before the consumer does. Just think more creatively about your own wardrobe! If you have an item you love...great, wear it. Maybe mix it up by throwing on a bikini top instead of what you normally would - it's handy because it will keep you cool in those big sweaty crowds. 

6. BIODEGRADABLE BABY WIPES/FACE WIPES - baby wipes and makeup wipes are essentials for any festival however they aren't great for the planet. So unless you already have a pack (make use of what you have, don't throw them away) then why not buy some baby wipes that biodegrade to try out (I'm going to see if they work for me at the festival I'm going to this year).

Hope this blog post helped you guys out! Let me know if it has, have fun festivalling if you are going this year just make sure to think about your impacts wherever you are!

All my love 


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