Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Mid-Week Blues

Hi everyone! Do you ever feel that Wednesday, is just another day in the week that just doesn't need to exist because, it's neither close to the weekend or close to the start of the week. Well my advice to make Wednesdays bearable is firstly wear pink ;) but, secondly bake some cookies...

I hope you have a great week


Monday, 24 February 2014

Gifts for anyday of the year No.1 Felt Fourtune Cookie....

Hi Everyone! I know it's after Valentines Day and I said I was going to show you some other little projects related to it, but instead I thought about it and decided that I wanted to show you some little cheap and easy gifts you can make to brighten someone's day, any day of the year!
Firstly, I'm going to show you how to make these Felt Fortune Cookies with customisable messages...

You will need:
Hot glue gun
bendy wire
pens or pencils
Step 1: Cut out the felt in to circles and cut a rectangle that would fit the diameter of the circle.

Step 2: Next cut some paper strips out and write cute little messages on them
Step 3: Then measure a little bit of wire that fits the diameter of the circle and glue it on with hot glue
Step 4: Glue the rectangle piece of felt on to the piece of wire like so..
Step 5: Place the message inside and fold the circle like this (BEWARE: It can be a little tricky to get the hang of, but you'll get there in the end)
Step 6: You can either just give one for a special someone or make loads and give them to all your best friends...
Have Fun

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

DIY Heart Valentine Gift

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't post last Friday (slaps wrist) I literally had so much to do. Anyway I wanted to make a little series of quick and easy 'DIY Valentine Gifts'! They are basically ideas that anyone can make and you will get another two projects this week (does that make up for my lack of posts?)

So here it is...
You will need:
Stuffing Fluff
and a button

Step 1: Cut out two identical hearts or you can cut out a template from online to guide you
Step 2: Then turn the front faces down so the back of the face is looking up to you

Step 3: Next sew around the edge but leave an inch not sewn at the end
Step 4: Turn the heart inside out through the hole you left

Step 5: Stuff the heart and make sure it is nice and firm!
Step 6: Then sew up the hole and adjust the heart to your liking

Step 7: Thread the needle again and attach a button to the middle of the heart
Step 8: Wrap it up and give it either to a friend or your Valentine...

all my love
