Monday, 6 August 2018

Get to Know me better...

Hello lovely people today I fancied having a little chat/to answer some questions so that you would be able to get to know me a little bit better! Hope you enjoy and of course feel free to copy the questions and do a similar post yourself!!
  1. Are you a morning or night person? Morning definitely 
  2. Are you afraid of the dark? No but at the same time I like to sleep with my blind up to wake up with the day 
  3. Are you an extrovert or introvert? I would say an ambivert so a bit of both really, however I definitely lean more towards the introvert side
  4. Are you double jointed? I don't really know, I can bend my thumb really far back though
  5. Are you left or right handed? Right 
  6. Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one? I'd say I'm more of an organised chaos 
  7. Are you on time or always late? Normally on time I don't like being late
  8. Are you ticklish? Yeah I don't understand how people can't be
  9. Can you curl your tongue? Yes I can 
  10. Can you ice skate? Yeah not amazingly but I can almost skate backwards (that's my only party trick lol)
  11. Can you wiggle your ears? No I can't 
  12. Coffee or tea? Water, I don't like hot drinks (you can call me weird haha)
  13. Cookies, cake or donuts? Cookies 
  14. Did you ever participate in a talent show? Yeah I did but our primary school held an X factor so it was just singing but me and my best friend performed HSM 'When there was you and me' and won! woo!
  15. Did you go to prom? Yes I did - it was fab!
  16. Did you like school? Yes I LOVED school because I love learning and being around my friends everyday. 
  17. Do you believe in ghosts? Yeah
  18. Do you bite your nails? Yeah :(  I'm going to try and stop soon though.
  19. Do you consider yourself a good cook? I can cook pretty well actually but have had a few near misses I can't cook baked beans - bloody burnt them the other day 
  20. Do you enjoy dancing? Love it but never gone to a dance class in my life
  21. Do you enjoy DIY or crafts? BOTH
  22. Do you forgive easily? Yeah I do - I forgive but try not to forget 
  23. Do you have a nickname? Yeah a few, ames, small round and amesy cakes (lol)
  24. Do you have any allergies? Used to be allergic to cats, peanuts and lobsters but grew out of it I think - don't really want to find out tho haha
  25. Do you have any phobias? Yeah I don't like the touch of flock its like velvet but rougher
  26. Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Just my ears are pieced 
  27. Do you have children? No
  28. Do you have pets? Yeah two rabbits 
  29. Do you have siblings? Yeah one sister 
  30. Do you prefer dogs or cats? Cats - I wish I was one 
  31. Do you prefer Mac or PC? I don't have a preference 
  32. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? I love both but nothing beats the beach at sunrise
  33. Do you prefer to bath or shower? Shower
  34. Do you sing in the shower? Yeah all the time
  35. Do you smoke? No - I really don't like it 
  36. Do you speak any different languages? No sadly - I try but don't speak any fluently 
  37. Do you still have your wisdom teeth? I don't think I have them yet
  38. Do you still watch cartoons? If you mean Disney princess cartoons then yeah of course
  39. Do you/have you played any sports? Yeah i love keeping fit so do running a lot and like to swim but I haven't competed except for netball at school 
  40. Does your name have a special meaning? It's a name my parents liked but in French it does mean beloved which is quite cute 

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